Author | Ihor Korobochka | Instagram
Hi everyone! Here’s my build of Porsche 911 GT3 by Tamiya. This model was built during a local model forum contest, and I could use only one detail-up set due to the rules of the contest. So I chose seatbelts set made by USCP.
Contents of the kit and an additional valorisation kit:
All parts were painted with grey Tamiya primer.
The body was cleaned from all moulding artefacts and defects.
The body was primed with white Tamiya primer and painted with TS-47.
Holes in the seats were made for seatbelts:
Due to contest rules I couldn’t use flock, and black semigloss paint wouldn’t make desired effect of fabric on the floor. I used Tamiya primer (87042) to make texture. I sprayed it with dry coats until desired effect was achieved. After that I painted it all with TS-29.
Seats were painted with TS-29 and sprayed with matte clear TS-80 over it.
With RP TOOLZ piercer I cut decals of the dashboard.
Dashboard was painted with semigloss TS-29. Buttons were painted with black gloss enamel paint.
Afterwards I continued working on interior parts.
Assembled interior.
Brake discs were painted with the TS-83.
For exhaust pipes I mixed AK Xtreme Metal 479 Aluminium with 472 Gold and TS-83.
Chassis finished.
Totally finished model.
More photos of the completed car here | Gallery
Author | Ihor Korobochka
Next workbench | Skoda Fabia S2000
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