Website Terms & Conditions (Not the Online Store)




• Author - a person sending and publishing content using the website.
• Website - the website available at the


General provisions

• The Website operates on the principles set out in these Terms & Conditions.
• The Terms & Conditions specify the types and scope of services provided electronically by the Website.
• Each Author, when taking steps to use the Electronic Services of the Website, is obliged to comply with the provisions of these Terms & Conditions.
• is not responsible for the materials, content and reliability of data as well as the accuracy of the information - the Authors publish the materials on their own responsibility.


Terms & Conditions of use and liability rules

• In the case of sending materials such as articles, workshop reports on the construction of models, photos, graphics etc. to the Website, the  Author declares that he has all rights, including in particular copyrights, to all content sent and that they are free from legal defects and do not infringe any rights of third parties or other entities. In the event of any claims by third parties arising from violation of these rights, the Author bears full responsibility.
• The Author grants the Website, for an indefinite period, a non-exclusive, free license to record, copy and distribute materials published by the Author on the Website in any manner, in all fields of use, also for promotional and advertising purposes (Facebook, Instagram etc.).
• The Website contains content protected by intellectual property rights, in particular protected by copyright. The Author undertakes to comply with intellectual property rights (including proprietary copyrights and industrial property rights such as rights arising from registration of trademarks) of the Website and third parties. The Author bears sole responsibility for non-compliance with the provisions of this point.
• The Author may post links to his websites, social media profiles etc.